Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sik Dae

Bofe mai bruddurz staed hoam sik yesturdee. Leettle Brudder reed me mennee hoarur stoareez frum book, den we goe to sleeps.

Ai hav naitmaerz gittun poosht offen taybullz. Noe moar hoarur stoareez foar Mr Clancy.

K thx bai.

Spring Haz Sprunggen

Noe mattur dat Spring heer iz moastlee laik winturr bak in mai warrm hoam. Iz stil bettur compayrd to beefore. Nais leettle goggeez due NOT beelongen owtsaid in -40 wethur.

Rait now Ai am growleeng and jumpee. The windz are bloweeng laik craezee, a trane iz goe to da elluvaetur neerbai, and stuf iz bang and rattul and clattur. Putz whait spottud goggeez on ej.

Mom sez ok fain, all good, not to growul. Mom no laiks growulz, and Ai skeert she maybee spend sum moar Mad Dollurz on me. Growulz ennywae, goggeez can noe help dem to slipp owt sumtaimz.

K thx bai.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Furst Rane

Wethur man send us rane twodae! Noe snoe dis taim.

In Calu...Calleef...bak in mai warrm hoam moast alweez rane onlee. All wintur long gooden taimz foar run awae and plae. Spreeng comez and alsoe tastee chikun nibbulz. Mai noo mom verry mad foar a longen taim aftur she hav to pae big fain uv moar den foar hunnerds uv dollur thingeez, wotevur doze be. Momma Mad Dollurz is wot Ai kallen dem.

She otta bee happee, sintz juj nok down charjuz frum missdeemeenr to infrakshun. Annumull at larj humf, Ai am nawt soe beeg. Noe fatt at all.

Hav 3 bruddurz an 1 sistur. 1 bruddur blak tan furree, and all uthurz hoomin. Wot fun we haz all da taim, plae and run and frollik. All dae, all nait, all yeer. Calu...mai warrm hoam fun to bee.

K thx bai.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Mai Erly Laif

Mai erlyest memmreez are kaind uv blurree. Lots uv wigglee goggeez poosheen and shuvveen me rownd. Mai mom luv me but sumtheen goez rong. Ai not noe whai, got sented to joovy. Fownd noo mommy, she tooken good kare uv me, teech me lots. Den Ai goe to noo hoam, and noo hoam, and noo hoam.

Lasst taim dey sae dey moovun, but Ai tink day maybee no wont Clancy anee moar. Not shoor, soe Ai hoap day juss moovun. Day kall joovy too come git me agin. O wate, maybee day mad bowt doze skreenz, foregot dat wun. Shuks! Eneehoo, mai dad kame and pikt me upp. Ai not noe him mai noo daddee yet, eevun growld and shoe tootheez.

Daddee not imprest ATT AWL and tole me nok off da garbij. Ai obay, soe he tooken me hoam insted uv joovy. Ai so happee he sneeken me awae frum da bad plaes. Nott too sneeken, cuz he kald to tel dem. He tell mai noo famly Ai wooda gotted yoothunaizd if wented bak. Wot naeroe esskape! Ai no laik dat klass at all. Lasst taim Ai tooken, wuz 6 week lonng and boaring. Hmmm, maybee dat jusst obeedeeunts skool, but whutevr. No laiken.

Den I in noo hoam.

K thx bai.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

How Ai Got Heer

Furst, hav yoo evurr traied gettun kaktiss spainz owt uv yer feets wen yoo hav NO uppozibull thumz?

Evry1 haz a blogg, soe wai not Mr Clancy? Ai wont wun too laik evry1 elss. Soe Ai sine upp. Kwesstchuns r hard! Naime? Dat 1 eezy nuff, but wot bout seks/jendurr? Ai hav none. Da vet tooken. Long taim go. Soe Ai pik none uv uh-buvv. Not staited. Not havven, at all.

Soe naow Mr Clancy hav blogg, yoo ken git too noe me and mai noo laif, heer in Ma...Mohn.....Mawntu.......waye upp heer.

K thx bai.


HAI evry1 look ai hav mai own Blogg Wruff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!